Simple, Functional House by Takahashi Maki

Set in Saitama, Japan, this small house has been built on a site of 38 square meters (409 square feet) of which the building occupies just 21 square meters (226 square feet). The three-storey dwelling has been designed by the Japanese architecture firm Takahashi Maki and Associates, who have called it “White Hut and Tilia Japonica”.


Takahashi Maki - Small House - Shiokami Daisuke - White Hut - Japan - Exterior - Humble Homes

The house has been built on the site of an existing 1960’s residential development, and serves as a stark contrast to the surrounding architecture. The building is slightly taller than the immediate housing, which it takes advantage of to provide views over the residential district.


Takahashi Maki - Small House - Shiokami Daisuke - White Hut - Japan - Kitchen - Humble Homes

The exterior seems to be clad with white metal sheeting. The walls features a number of long, narrow windows that provide viewpoints to the outside, without compromising the inhabitant’s privacy, or natural light. The three levels add up to give the house a total usable floor area of 58 square meters (624 square feet).


Takahashi Maki - Small House - Shiokami Daisuke - White Hut - Japan - Staircase - Humble Homes

Due to its small floor plan, the house features clearly defined functions and living areas. The ground floor serves as a bedroom, with a place for studying, or work. The second floor contains the home’s kitchen, dining and living area. The third and final floor acts as a rather large and luxurious bathroom.

Takahashi Maki - Small House - Shiokami Daisuke - White Hut - Japan - Bedroom - Humble Homes

At each level you’ll find floor-to-ceiling storage compartments flanking the walls, providing lots of storage without having a large impact on the floor plan. The interior is clean, crisp and contemporary. Wood has been used to create effect through, creating a warm homey atmosphere.

Takahashi Maki - Small House - Shiokami Daisuke - White Hut - Japan - Cross Section - Humble Homes

The bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom are all connected to one another by small openings in the floor, allowing you to look down (or up) through the house. The simplicity of the interior layout, and the level of finish, help to create a space that is not only very functional but also very comfortable.

For more Japanese houses check out the simple and stylish Nui House. Or, Yamazaki Kentaro’s “House in a Garden”. See all Japanese houses.

Via ArchDaily
Photos: Shigeta Satosh, Nacasa & Partners Inc

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.